Oaks Designer Resource Guide (Canada)

Wall Design – How Can Oaks Help?

Each specific retaining wall product, and each Wall Classification, have their own benefits and limitations. Oaks staff are available to help you decide which prod- uct/classification combination(s) will work best for your given application. Oaks created the adjacent check list to ensure we know all the required particulars of your given project. We ask that you submit this completed form, along with a site plan and geotechnical report (where avail- able) so that we can properly evaluate the project. Factors that Oaks staff will consider include: • Wall purpose • Wall height and alignment • Desired aesthetics • Surcharge conditions •  Proximity to property line or other existing/proposed barriers behind the wall •  Water impacts above, below or behind the wall • Construction access • Site soils • Type of backfill material being used

A digital/fillable version of this form is available on our website in the Resources section.


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