Oaks Designer Resource Guide (Canada)

Segmental Concrete Pavement Systems There are several different locations pavers and slabs can be installed. Some of the most common are: at grade on native soil, over an existing concrete or asphalt road, or above grade on a concrete patio or roof deck. The following two pages provide guidance for the majority of these installation practices, while information on Pedestal Set applications is covered on Page 09. CAD details, material specifications and testing requirements, and installation instructions for each option are available online or upon request.



Fill joints with Jointing Sand

25mm of Bedding Sand

SUITABLE APPLICATIONS: Most pedestrian and vehicular projects. BENEFIT: Economical installation. DESIGN NOTES: See ASCE 58-16 for recommended base thickness subject to traffic conditions and subgrade soil type. Need for separation geotextile subject to subgrade soil type. Underdrains may be needed over tight soils (clays). INSTALLATION NOTES: Ensure subgrade is properly compacted before commencing with Granular A placement. See ICPI (Interlocking Concrete Pavement Institute) for recommended installation practices. SAND SET ON SUBGRADE

Minimum 2% slope to storm drain

Min 150mm Granular A (or equivalent)

Compacted native soil subgrade

Optional geotextile separation fabric


Fill joints with ASTM 8 Clear Stone (or equivalent)

SUITABLE APPLICATIONS: Most pedestrian and vehicular projects where stormwater management is also an objective. BENEFIT: Utilizes the same area for traffic/parking and storm water management, frees up other space onsite for revenue generating purposes. PERMEABLE STONE SET ON SUBGRADE DESIGN NOTES: See ASCE 68-18 for recommended base thickness subject to stormwater management goals, traffic conditions and subgrade soil type. Need for separation geotextile and/or liner, and underdrains, subject to site conditions. See Page 12 for more information. INSTALLATION NOTES: Consult with Oaks staff on providing contractor training to ensure correct installation practices are being followed.

50mm of ASTM 8 Clear Stone (or equivalent)

100mm ASTM 57 Clear stone (or equivalent)

ASTM 2 Clear stone (or equivalent), thickness based on site design

Optional geotextile and/or liner (see Page 14 for more details)

SAND SET OVERLAY ON CONCRETE OR ASPHALT AT GRADE SUITABLE APPLICATIONS: Recommended over weak native soils. Bituminous set for high traffic areas, crosswalks or intersections BENEFIT: Combines structural benefits of concrete/asphalt with the aesthetics of pavers and slabs. DESIGN NOTES: Drain holes are required throughout the pavement area to allow water in the bedding layer to easily drain. SAND SET OVERLAY ON CONCRETE OR ASPHALT AT GRADE

Fill joints with Polymeric Jointing Sand

25mm of Bedding Sand (add a bituminous binder in vehicular applications)

Minimum 2% slope to storm drain

INSTALLATION NOTES: Recommend stabilized jointing sand to minimize water infiltration and tighter height tolerances on the pavers or slabs. For bituminous set, consult with Oaks staff on providing contractor training to ensure correct installation practices are being followed.

Concrete or asphalt layer (designed by others)

Weep hole lled with gravel

Geotextile over weep holes


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